Thank You!
We hope you’ve learned enough about us to know whether we are the kind of people you want to raise your child. We can only imagine what is going on in your life right now – you must be an incredibly brave, wonderfully loving and generous person to make the decision you are making, and we will teach that to your child from the very start. It’s our greatest goal to be responsible, committed parents, and though it may be hard, part of that is realizing that the child came from a part of you. So, if you are able and willing, we’d find a way for you to be in our son or daughter’s life. We hope to speak with you soon.

Corey and Ryan
We will raise our children with ALL THE LOVE WE HAVE, and they will be the most important thing in our lives, for the rest of our lives. We will try to share our values of education, understanding, worldliness and responsibility with them. We’ll provide the best schools we can, travel with them to see the state, the country and the world, and make them part of our extended family.